Event Review: Sweat it out with Women’s Health Fit Night Out
If you’re a fitness fanatic or even just someone looking to get started with your fitness journey, the Fit Night Out event hosted by Women’s Health is a must-attend. This event takes place annually in both Cape Town and Johannesburg.
It’s a fun, character-building event where you get to try different workouts, win prizes and just have fun! The most recent Fit Night Out took place at GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World in Cape Town.
What to Expect
This outdoor event is all about the ladies which makes it perfect for fitness fanatics and couch potatoes alike. There’s plenty of space for everyone but if you want to be front and centre you need to get there early.
Fitness events have become quite popular and you can expect a lot of excited ladies ready to sweat it out.
Like most other events there are plenty of activities to enjoy when you’re not taking part in the main event. There are many activation stations which include fitness tests where you can win prizes from massive sponsors. This year one of the biggest sponsors was Adidas! Some activations included outrunning your opponent, testing your speed and your strength.
As one of the main sponsors of the event, Adidas truly went above and beyond when it came to handing out their products. They gave away plenty of caps, water bottles, sweat towels and shopping vouchers to help you stock up on fitness gear.
There is no need to fear dehydration as these events have a number of hydration stations spread across the venue. Here you can stock up on water or an energy drink from the other main sponsor, PowerAde.
Staying hydrated during an outdoor fitness event is especially important which is why Women’s Health and PowerAde made sure that no lady went without something to drink.
The Sweat Sessions
The official exercise programme kicked off at about 5pm, starting with an energising warm-up session by Ceri Hannan. His energy is contagious, and he was the perfect choice in helping all the ladies get pumped up for fun!
Once he was done, Mapule was introduced to the stage where she gave us all an introduction of her famous #TrainLikeMaps programme. It’s a fun and energising workout that really works your body – especially your legs.
From there, we headed off to Bollywood with Veena who introduced her Bollywood Fitness workout. It was an interesting class that showed off true Bollywood magic and how it could be implemented into a good sweat session.
After a little break, it was time for Sculpt & Flow with Seugnet and Lara. Both are Yoga instructors and Seugnet Esterhuyse is also a ballet teacher and stuntwoman. This made the workout even more interesting as it was much more than a regular yoga class. If you’re a yogi in training looking for something interesting with a slight twist, then this is definitely the workout to try.
Next up came Takkies with her Rockingnheels workout that we were luckily allowed to do without heels! It was a challenge that worked the core and legs quite a bit. One thing you heard a lot during the workout was the laughter of many excited, energised and happy women.
Like #TrainlikeMaps with Mapule, the Rockingnheels class is a bit of a challenge but still easy enough for beginners to follow. The choreographed moves combined with Takkies’ interesting little speech blurbs were enough to make any woman feel good about herself. And sometimes that’s just what you need.
The event ended on a high note with the S.W.E.A.T 1000 team and let’s just say it was a good test of determination! It’s a HiiT type of exercise programme that makes use of many different movements to help you get a full body workout. It pushes your body to its limits and provides you with an opportunity to overcome those limits.
Getting Your Money’s Worth
A ticket to the event will set you back R399 excluding the R5 admin fee for the ticket purchase.
At first glance it might appear to be expensive but considering the appearance of all the fitness gurus and celebrity trainers, it evens out.
Apart from having superstar trainers present, there were also bottles of free PowerAde and water available throughout the event. During breaks, there were even smoothies from Fry’s Foods to indulge in and refuel your body at no extra cost!
Of course, there was a fabulous goodie bag to take home including a limited-edition workout vest, a sweat towel from Adidas, Deep Heat Period Patches and much more. Throughout the event, attendees were also treated to free sports massages from the Deep Heat physiotherapists.
A Fitness Event to Attend
The Women’s Health Fit Night Out event is definitely a must that provide ladies with a safe and fun environment to push their limits and have fun. Tickets are reasonably priced, especially considering the superb workouts, celebrity trainers and amazing goodie bags that are included.
It’s an amazing event that’s incredibly organized and mindful. Each and every need you might have is considered and taken care of. All you need to do is show up with an open mind and a willing spirit.
You can visit Women’s Health for more information on upcoming events.